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Using the Optimization option of the Time Domain Toolbox, you can optimize a given result using variation of parameters / initial values.

Optimization Method

1.From the Getting Started Manual\Time Domain Toolbox library open the model Optimization.
2.Open the Simulator.
3.In the Simulator, from the Tools menu select the Time Domain Toolbox and then Optimization.

A window opens asking you which optimization method should used:


Here the optimization method is already chosen.

4.Click the Next button.

Parameters / Initial Values

A window will open, asking you which parameters values should be use for the optimization. Here the parameters Lever\L\r and Bellows\K\k are already entered.


5.Click the Next button.


A window opens asking you which result should optimized:



Here the integral of the pipe air flow (e.g. the total air volume) is chosen.

6.Click the Next button.

Run options

A window opens asking some simulation run options:


7.Click the Next button.

A window opens with a summary of the chosen options. If your are not satisfied you can use the Back button to go to a previous window and change settings.

9.Click the Finish button to close the Multiple Run Wizard.
10.From the Simulation menu click the Multiple Run command to perform the Optimization.

You will see the Simulator perform many simulation runs. After a maximum has been found on the starting run and the runs with the maximum air flow is shown.


Optimization Results

After simulation has been done, an Optimization Results window will open, showing the optimum value of the result and corresponding parameters:


Here the maximum air flow volume is shown. You can select the following items:

Values: Choose this button to open the list that shows the numerical output of the optimization runs.
Matlab: Export the results to Matlab.
OK: Close the Optimization Results Window.


You can always re-open the Multiple Run Results window, by selecting the Multiple Run Results command of the View Menu.

11.By choosing the Values button, a new window is opened, showing the numerical results of the parameter sweep.

In the Results list of this window the subsequent runs are shown and (if available) the value of the chosen result:


As you can see Here the 81 runs are performed  and shown with the parameter values and resulting air flow volume. As you can see, run number 81 gives the maximum air flow. You can select the following items:

Set Values: Choose the values of the selected run, as new parameter values of your model.
Create Datafile: Use this button to store the values of the selected variables on file. Use the control-key and shift-key to make multiple selections.