Port Properties

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Port Properties

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From the Edit menu select Add Port. A new port will now be added to the list. If you select the port in the list you can change its properties

Name: Enter the name of the port.
Type: Select the port-type: Signal, Iconic Diagram or Bond Graph.


Size: If the signal is multi-dimensional, enter the number of rows and columns.
Orientation: Choose input signal or output signal.
Quantity: If the signal represents a physical quantity, you can choose the quantity from a predefined list.
Unit: If the signal represents a physical quantity, you can choose the corresponding unit from a predefined list.
Type: The default type of a signal is a real number. Choose out of real, integer or boolean.

Iconic Diagram

Size: If the port is multi-dimensional, enter the number of rows and columns.
Orientation: Choose an input or output orientation for the port.
Domain: Choose the physical domain of the port. The most general domain is power. Depending on your choice you will see the two variables (Across and Through) associated with the port.
Causality: Select the causality of the port.
Separate High/Low Terminals: You may choose this option for models with a velocity difference, voltage difference etc.
Any Number of Terminals: You may choose this option for models with a variable number of connections.

Bond Graph Port

Size: If the port is multi-dimensional, enter the number of rows and columns.
Orientation: Choose an input or output orientation for the port.
Domain: Choose the physical domain of the port. The most general domain is power. Depending on your choice you will see the two variables (Effort and Flow) associated with the port.
Causality: Select the causality of the port.