Some constants in 20-sim have a predefined value. These constants do not have to be declared in the constants section of a model. You can add your own predefined constants in the file Constants.ini in the 20-sim bin-directory.
Standard |
pi |
3.1415926535897932384626433832795 |
exp1 |
2.71828182845904523536028747135266 |
twopi |
6.28318530717958647692528676655901 |
sqrt2 |
1.41421356237309504880168872420969 |
log2 |
0.6931471805599453094172321214581766 |
Physics |
g_n |
9.80665 {m/s2} |
Standard acceleration of gravity |
G |
66.7259e-12 {N.m2/kg2} |
Newtonian constant of gravitation |
c_0 |
299.792458e6 {m/s} |
Speed of light (vacuum) |
mu_0 |
1.2566370614359172953850573533118e-6 {H/m} |
Permeability (vacuum) |
epsilon_0 |
8.854188e-12 {F/m} |
Permittivity (vacuum) |
h |
6.6260755e-34 {J.s} |
Planck constant |
m_p |
2.17671e-08 {kg} |
Planck mass |
l_p |
1.61605e-35 {m} |
Planck length |
t_p |
5.39056e-44 {s} |
Planck time |
e |
1.60217733e-19 {C} |
Elementary charge |
R_H |
25812.8056 {Ohm} |
Quantized Hall resistance |
mu_B |
9.2740154e-24 {J/T} |
Bohr magneton |
mu_N |
5.0507866e-27 {J/T} |
Nuclear magneton |
Ry |
10973731.534 {1/m} |
Rydberg constant |
a_0 |
5.29177249e-11 {m} |
Bohr radius |
N_A |
6.0221367e+23 {1/mol} |
Avogadro constant |
m_u |
1.6605402e-27 {kg} |
Atomic mass constant |
F |
96485.309 {C/mol} |
Faraday constant |
k |
1.380658e-23 {J/K} |
Boltzmann constant |
sigma |
5.67051e-08 {W/m2.K4} |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant |
b |
0.002897756 {m.K} |
Wien constant |
R |
8.31451 {J/mol.K} |
Molar gas constant |
V_m |
0.0224141 {m3/mol} |
Molar volume (ideal gas) |
n_0 |
2.686763e+25 {1/m3} |
Loschmidt constant
m_e |
9.1093897e-31 {kg} |
Electron mass |
m_p |
1.6726231e-27 {kg} |
Proton mass |
m_n |
1.6749286e-27 {kg} |
Neutron mass |
Conversion Constants |
eV |
1.60217733e-19 {J}; |
Electron volt |
u |
1.6605402e-27 {kg} |
Atomic mass unit |
atm |
101325 {Pa} |
Standard atmosphere |
deg |
0.0174532925199432957692369076848861 {rad} |
Angular degree |