Reserved Words

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Reserved Words

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While entering equations, the 20-sim Editor will automatically detect reserved words. You can recognize reserved words, because they will be shown with a different color:





data types






predefined variables



20-sim knows the following reserved words:


- , * , .* , ./ , .^ , / , ^ , + , < , <= , <> , == , > , >= , abs, adjoint, Adjoint, algebraic, and, antisym, arccos, arccosh, arcsin, arcsinh, arctan, arctanh, atan2, bitand, bitclear, bitcmp, bitget, bitinv, bitor, bitset, bitshift, bitshiftright, bitxor, boolean, by, ceil, code, collect, columns, constants, constraint, cos, cosh, cross, data, ddt, delta, det, diag, direct, discrete, div, dll, dlldynamic, dly, do, doMatlab, effortincausality, else, end, equal, equations, event, eventdown, eventup, exp, exp10, exp2, export, externals, eye, false, finalequations, first, floor, flowincausality, for, frequencyevent, from, fromMatlab, gauss, global, hidden, hold, homogeneous, if, import, initialequations, inner, int, integer, interesting, inverse, inverseH, limint, limit, log, log10, log2, major, max, min, mod, msum, mul, next, nonlinear, norm, norminf, not, or, parameters, previous, ramp, ran, random, real, realtime, repeat, resint, return, round, rows, sample, sampletime, settoolsetting, sign, sin, sinh, skew, sqr, sqrt, step, stopsimulation, string, sum, sym, table, tan, tanh, tdelay, then, tilde, time, timeevent, to, toMatlab, trace, transpose, true, trunc, type, types, until, variables, warning, while, xor