Prepare Scripting Folder

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Prepare Scripting Folder

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20-sim comes with a Scripting Folder that contains documentation of all scripting functions, the function library and example scripts. You have to install this folder to use scripting.


1.Open the Install Scripting program from the Windows Start menu (located under 20-sim 5.1)
- or -
Go to the folder where 20-sim is installed (e.g. C:\Program Files\20-sim 5.1\Scripting or C:\Program Files (x86)\20-sim 5.1\Scripting)  and open 20simScripting.exe
2.This will open a dialog where you can choose where to extract the 20-sim scripting files. Change the path to a local working folder of your choice (for example: C:\Users\yourusername\Documents\20simscripting)


20-sim Scripts extraction

Note: To write/modify scripts, the scripting folder should be accessible and writable by the user. Do not install the scripting folder on C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files.


For the remainder of this chapter, we use the name scripting working folder when we refer to the folder where you just extracted the 20-sim scripting files.


Your newly created scripting working folder contains a number of subfolders:

1.Models: This folder contains the 20-sim models and data files that are used for the example and tutorial scripts .
2.Octave: This folder contains all Octave/Matlab scripting functionality and documentation
a.documentation: This folder contains the scripting API documentation: a list of supported functions and their syntax. It is a copy of the help file that you can open in the 20-sim Editor by selecting Help - Octave Scripting API.
Note: the API documentation is also accessible from the Windows Start menu under 20-sim 5.1\Scripting API documentation
b.library: This folder contains the core scripting functions.
c.tutorials: This folder contains basis scripts with a step by step explanation. You can use these scripts as a base for your own scripts.
d.examples: This folder contains some more advanced scripts.
3.Octave-patch: This folder contains modified Octave scripts for certain Octave versions to fix bugs in the core Octave scripts that are not yet fixed in the latest release (currently 4.0.3)
4.Python: This folder contains all Python scripting functionality and documentation (see the Scripting in Python section for more information).