equal([x1,x2, ...,xn]);
This function is used to make all elements of a matrix equal. It returns the equations x2 = x1, x3 = x1, .. , xn = x1. During processing the equations will be automatically reshaped into a proper causal form. This function is created for use in library models that use a matrix with unknown size which results from the collect function.
Suppose we have m bonds connected to a submodel, collected in a port p. We could then use the function:
During processing this equation will be expanded as:
If we use the equal function:
this results in:
which will be expanded in:
p.e2 = p.e1;
p.e3 = p.e1;
p.en = p.e1
This function is designed for a special class of models and should be used by experienced users only!