Transformers and Gyrators

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Transformers and Gyrators

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Transformers and gyrators are bond graph elements that can convert energy ideally, as well in one physical domain as well as between one physical domain and another. A transformer is denoted by the mnemonic code TF and a gyrator by the code GY. In the table below the effort and flow equations are shown. The parameters r and n are the transformation ratio and gyration ratio. An examples of a transformer is a mechanical gear. An example of a gyrator is a DC-motor.



bond graph element


effort-in causality


f1 = (1/n) f2

e2 = (1/n) e1

effort-out causality


f2 = n f2

e1 = n e2


bond graph element


effort-in causality


f1 = (1/r) e2

f2 = (1/r) e1

effort-in causality


e1 = r f2

e2 = r f1


The directions of the flow and effort are partly fixed for a transformer. Like the 1 junction and the 0 junction, the causality is constraint. For a transformer, an effort-in causality on the incoming bond results in an effort-out causality on the outgoing bond and vice-versa. For a gyrator, an effort-in causality on the incoming bond results in an effort-in causality on the outgoing bond and vice-versa.