The maintenance build 20-sim 4.8.3 is released! Some new features are described below:
Request a trial license from within 20-sim
When you would like to try out 20-sim before buying a license, you can request a trial license. Download this version of 20-sim and the license activation dialog will pop up when you start 20-sim. Press the “Trial License” button and fill in the form that opens in your browser. You will receive your trial license the next working day.
Library blocks
Two new library blocks have been added to the bondgraph library: EffortDetector and FlowDetector. These blocks will detect the effort and flow respectively, without changing your energy flows in the rest of your model.
Quality of Life Improvements
Several quality of life improvements have been made. Among others: The new implementation dialogue no longer closes when you enter an invalid new implementation name, plot drawing speeds have been improved in certain cases, and global values getting their initial value in an initialequations section no longer throw an unneeded warning.
To see the full list of features and fixes, click here.