
Collaborative Design
The book, Collaborative Design for Embedded Systems, presents a novel approach for the co-design and co-simulation of embedded and cyber-physical systems. The book is a result of the EU-funded FP 7 project Destecs, in which Controllab has participated. The book presents a framework that allows the very different kinds of design models – discrete-event (DE) models of software and continuous time (CT) 20-sim models of the physical environment – to be analyzed and simulated jointly, based on common scenarios. The individual chapters provide introductions to both sides of this co-simulation technology, and give a step-by-step guide to the methodology for designing and analyzing co-models.
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You can download the software that is used in the book by clicking here.

Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems for Creative Technology has been developed for a course at the University of Twente with the same name. It gives an introduction to dynamical systems in general with special attention for mechanical and electrical systems. The behavior of such systems is demonstrated and analysed with the aid of simulations with 20-sim. Therefore, the book is also a good basis for 20-sim users, interested in the underlying principles of these simulations.
The book and 20-sim models can be downloaded from: www.dynamicalsystems.nl

Grundprinzipien der Mechatronik
The book, Grundpinzipien der Mechatronic (German), describes the use of bond graph modeling for mechatronic systems. The book is loaded with 20-sim models showing the used of bond graphs for active damping, DC-motors, stick-slip and much more.
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Modelling and Simulation
The book “Modeling and Simulation in Thermal and Chemical Engineering” gives an in depth description of the use of bond graph modeling for chemical thermodynamical proceses.
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Bond Graph Methodology
This book covers model development, analysis of models, numerical computation of models and modern software that can be used for a bond graph approach.
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An introduction into modeling theory and simulation techniques with a special interest in simulation software.
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Engineering Systems Dynamics, Modelling, Simulation, and Design
This open education resource presents effective system modelling methods, including Lagrangian and bond graph, and the application of a relevant engineering software tool, 20-sim. The content is designed for engineering students and professionals in the field to support their understanding and application of these methods for modelling, simulation, and design of engineering systems. The text also includes videos showing selected worked-out examples.
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An Introduction to Bond Graph Modeling with Applications
For everyone interested in modeling dynamical multi domain systems, the theory of bondgraphs is highly recommended.There is now an entry level book on bondgraphs with lots of example models.The book does not have a steep learning curve and will not overload you with mathematics. Moreover, you will also find a nice introduction into 20-sim and how to use the package to create bondgraph models and simulate them.
Special thanks to Professor J.A. Tenreiro Machado and Professor Vitor M.R. Cunha of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Insititute of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto.