

list of library functions


This is a script file.


 list of library functions

 Basic 20-sim actions

 xxsimAddToPath               - Adds the xxsim folder to the path.
 xxsimList                    - Obtain this list with all currently supported scripting functions.
 xxsimConnect                 - Connects with 20-sim.
 xxsimDisconnect              - Disconnects from 20-sim.
 xxsimClose                   - Close 20-sim.
 xxsimGetVersion              - Get the version of 20-sim.
 xxsimSetScriptMode           - Sets or unsets 20-sim in scripting mode.

 Model actions

 xxsimNewModel                - Opens a new 20-sim model.
 xxsimOpenModel               - Opens a 20-sim model.
 xxsimSaveModel               - Saves the changes made to active 20-sim model.
 xxsimCloseModel              - Closes active 20-sim model.
 xxsimProcessModel            - Processes the active 20-sim model.
 xxsimGetActiveModel          - returns name and unique identifier of active model.
 xxsimSetActiveModel          - Sets one of the opened 20-sim models as active if no active model is choosen.
 xxsimGetModels               - Returns the list of opened 20-sim models.
 xxsimGetSubmodelTree         - Get the list of submodels underneath the specified submodel.
 xxsimCreateConnection        - Create a connection between a port on the source submodel and a port on the target submodel.

 Submodel actions

 xxsimAddPort                 - Add a new port to the interface of an existing submodel.
 xxsimGetPorts                - Get all ports for a submodel.
 xxsimRemovePort              - Remove the specified port form the specified submodel.
 xxsimLinearizeModel          - Linearizes the subsystem between the supplied inputs and outputs.
 xxsimQueryImplementations    - Returns a list of submodels names with multiple implementation and their active implementation.
 xxsimGetImplementations      - Request the implementations of a particular submodel.
 xxsimSetImplementations      - Changes the implementation of one or more submodels.
 xxsimCopyStatesToInitials    - Copy the current states to the initial values of these states.
 xxsimGotoSubmodel            - Select the provided submodel in the tree and show its contents.
 xxsimInsertSubmodel          - Replace an existing submodel with the version from the provided file.
 xxsimRenameSubmodel          - Rename an existing submodel.
 xxsimReplaceSubmodel         - Replace an existing submodel with the version from the provided file.
 xxsimSaveSubmodel            - Saves the provided submodel to a separate file.
 xxsimGetSubmodelProperties   - Get submodel properties of a submodel (name, description, version, etc.).
 xxsimSetSubmodelProperties   - Set submodel properties of a submodel (name, description, version, etc.).

 Parameter/Variable actions

 xxsimGetInitialValues        - Gets specified initial values.
 xxsimSetInitialValues        - Sets specified initial values.
 xxsimGetParameters           - Gets specified parameters.
 xxsimSetParameters           - Sets specified parameters.
 xxsimGetVariables            - Gets specified variables.
 xxsimSetVariables            - Sets specified variables.
 xxsimGetValue                - Get the value of a specific variable.
 xxsimGetLogValues            - Gets values which are logged using xxsimSetLogVariables.
 xxsimSetLogVariables         - Logs specified variables while running active model.
 xxsimWriteLogToCsv           - Writes logged variables to a comma separated value (csv) file.

 Simulator actions

 xxsimRun                     - Runs the active 20-sim model.
 xxsimSingleStep              - Runs the active 20-sim model.
 xxsimReplaceSubmodel         - Replace an existing submodel with the version from the provided file.
 xxsimClearAllRuns            - Clears all the runs.
 xxsimClearLastRun            - Clears only the last run.
 xxsimClearPreviousRuns       - Clears all runs except the last one.
 xxsimClearRun                - Clears one or more runs.
 xxsimStartSimulation         - Start the simulation.
 xxsimStopSimulation          - Stop the simulation.
 xxsimIsSimulating            - Checks if the simulation is active.
 xxsimSingleStep              - Executes a single simulation step for the active 20-sim model.
 xxsimQuerySettings           - Retrieves the settings of the active 20-sim model and tool session.
 xxsimSetSettings             - Changes the value of one or more 20-sim tool or model settings.
 xxsimOpenSimulator           - Open the simulator.
 xxsimCloseSimulator          - Close the simulator.

 Code Generation actions

 xxsimGetCCodeTargets         - Retrieves a list of C-Code targets.
 xxsimGenerateCCode           - Generates C-Code for the active model using the specified C-code target template.
 xxsimGetMatlabCodeTargets    - Retrieves the list with available Matlab M-code targets.
 xxsimGenerateMatlabCode      - Generates Matlab-Code using the specified target.

 Plotting actions

 xxsimAddCurveToPlot          - Add a curve to an existing plot.
 xxsimAddPlotToWindow         - Add a plot to an existing plot window.
 xxsimAddPlotWindow           - Add a plot window.
 xxsimExport3DScenery         - Export a 3D scenery from a 3D animation plot.
 xxsimImport3DScenery         - Import a 3D scenery from a file into an 3D animation plot.
 xxsimGetCurveIDFromName      - Get the unique curve ID from the name of a curve.
 xxsimGetCurvesFromPlot       - Get all curves (names and unique IDs) from an existing plot.
 xxsimGetPlotIDFromName       - Find the corresponding plot ID for a certain window and plot name.
 xxsimGetPlotsFromWindow      - Get all currently available plots that are present in the specified window by both name and ID.
 xxsimGetPlotWindows          - Returns all currently available plot windows that are present in the simulator by both name and ID.
 xxsimGetPlotWindowIDFromName - Find the corresponding window ID for a certain window name.
 xxsimGetPlotWindows          - Get all currently available plot windows that are present in the simulator by both name and ID.
 xxsimHideCurve               - Hide or show a curve in a plot.
 xxsimHidePlot                - Hide or show a plot in a plot window.
 xxsimHidePlotWindow          - Hide or show a plot window.
 xxsimRemoveCurveFromPlot     - Remove an existing curve from an existing plot.
 xxsimRemovePlotFromWindow    - Remove an existing plot from an existing plot window.
 xxsimRemovePlotWindow        - Remove an existing plot window.
 xxsimSavePlotAsBitmap        - Save a plot or plot window as bitmap. Supported formats: png, bmp, jpg, gif.

 General actions

 xxsimGetMemoryUsage          - Get the memory usage of 20-sim.
 xxsimGetWindowSize           - Returns the current size of the last opened window.
 xxsimSetWindowSize           - Set the size of the last opened window.
 xxsimSetTimeout              - Change the connection and command time-out value.

 Author: Controllab Products B.V.
 email: info@controllab.nl
 Website: http://www.controllab.nl
 October 2021


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % list of library functions
0002 %
0003 % Basic 20-sim actions
0004 %
0005 % xxsimAddToPath               - Adds the xxsim folder to the path.
0006 % xxsimList                    - Obtain this list with all currently supported scripting functions.
0007 % xxsimConnect                 - Connects with 20-sim.
0008 % xxsimDisconnect              - Disconnects from 20-sim.
0009 % xxsimClose                   - Close 20-sim.
0010 % xxsimGetVersion              - Get the version of 20-sim.
0011 % xxsimSetScriptMode           - Sets or unsets 20-sim in scripting mode.
0012 %
0013 % Model actions
0014 %
0015 % xxsimNewModel                - Opens a new 20-sim model.
0016 % xxsimOpenModel               - Opens a 20-sim model.
0017 % xxsimSaveModel               - Saves the changes made to active 20-sim model.
0018 % xxsimCloseModel              - Closes active 20-sim model.
0019 % xxsimProcessModel            - Processes the active 20-sim model.
0020 % xxsimGetActiveModel          - returns name and unique identifier of active model.
0021 % xxsimSetActiveModel          - Sets one of the opened 20-sim models as active if no active model is choosen.
0022 % xxsimGetModels               - Returns the list of opened 20-sim models.
0023 % xxsimGetSubmodelTree         - Get the list of submodels underneath the specified submodel.
0024 % xxsimCreateConnection        - Create a connection between a port on the source submodel and a port on the target submodel.
0025 %
0026 % Submodel actions
0027 %
0028 % xxsimAddPort                 - Add a new port to the interface of an existing submodel.
0029 % xxsimGetPorts                - Get all ports for a submodel.
0030 % xxsimRemovePort              - Remove the specified port form the specified submodel.
0031 % xxsimLinearizeModel          - Linearizes the subsystem between the supplied inputs and outputs.
0032 % xxsimQueryImplementations    - Returns a list of submodels names with multiple implementation and their active implementation.
0033 % xxsimGetImplementations      - Request the implementations of a particular submodel.
0034 % xxsimSetImplementations      - Changes the implementation of one or more submodels.
0035 % xxsimCopyStatesToInitials    - Copy the current states to the initial values of these states.
0036 % xxsimGotoSubmodel            - Select the provided submodel in the tree and show its contents.
0037 % xxsimInsertSubmodel          - Replace an existing submodel with the version from the provided file.
0038 % xxsimRenameSubmodel          - Rename an existing submodel.
0039 % xxsimReplaceSubmodel         - Replace an existing submodel with the version from the provided file.
0040 % xxsimSaveSubmodel            - Saves the provided submodel to a separate file.
0041 % xxsimGetSubmodelProperties   - Get submodel properties of a submodel (name, description, version, etc.).
0042 % xxsimSetSubmodelProperties   - Set submodel properties of a submodel (name, description, version, etc.).
0043 %
0044 % Parameter/Variable actions
0045 %
0046 % xxsimGetInitialValues        - Gets specified initial values.
0047 % xxsimSetInitialValues        - Sets specified initial values.
0048 % xxsimGetParameters           - Gets specified parameters.
0049 % xxsimSetParameters           - Sets specified parameters.
0050 % xxsimGetVariables            - Gets specified variables.
0051 % xxsimSetVariables            - Sets specified variables.
0052 % xxsimGetValue                - Get the value of a specific variable.
0053 % xxsimGetLogValues            - Gets values which are logged using xxsimSetLogVariables.
0054 % xxsimSetLogVariables         - Logs specified variables while running active model.
0055 % xxsimWriteLogToCsv           - Writes logged variables to a comma separated value (csv) file.
0056 %
0057 % Simulator actions
0058 %
0059 % xxsimRun                     - Runs the active 20-sim model.
0060 % xxsimSingleStep              - Runs the active 20-sim model.
0061 % xxsimReplaceSubmodel         - Replace an existing submodel with the version from the provided file.
0062 % xxsimClearAllRuns            - Clears all the runs.
0063 % xxsimClearLastRun            - Clears only the last run.
0064 % xxsimClearPreviousRuns       - Clears all runs except the last one.
0065 % xxsimClearRun                - Clears one or more runs.
0066 % xxsimStartSimulation         - Start the simulation.
0067 % xxsimStopSimulation          - Stop the simulation.
0068 % xxsimIsSimulating            - Checks if the simulation is active.
0069 % xxsimSingleStep              - Executes a single simulation step for the active 20-sim model.
0070 % xxsimQuerySettings           - Retrieves the settings of the active 20-sim model and tool session.
0071 % xxsimSetSettings             - Changes the value of one or more 20-sim tool or model settings.
0072 % xxsimOpenSimulator           - Open the simulator.
0073 % xxsimCloseSimulator          - Close the simulator.
0074 %
0075 % Code Generation actions
0076 %
0077 % xxsimGetCCodeTargets         - Retrieves a list of C-Code targets.
0078 % xxsimGenerateCCode           - Generates C-Code for the active model using the specified C-code target template.
0079 % xxsimGetMatlabCodeTargets    - Retrieves the list with available Matlab M-code targets.
0080 % xxsimGenerateMatlabCode      - Generates Matlab-Code using the specified target.
0081 %
0082 % Plotting actions
0083 %
0084 % xxsimAddCurveToPlot          - Add a curve to an existing plot.
0085 % xxsimAddPlotToWindow         - Add a plot to an existing plot window.
0086 % xxsimAddPlotWindow           - Add a plot window.
0087 % xxsimExport3DScenery         - Export a 3D scenery from a 3D animation plot.
0088 % xxsimImport3DScenery         - Import a 3D scenery from a file into an 3D animation plot.
0089 % xxsimGetCurveIDFromName      - Get the unique curve ID from the name of a curve.
0090 % xxsimGetCurvesFromPlot       - Get all curves (names and unique IDs) from an existing plot.
0091 % xxsimGetPlotIDFromName       - Find the corresponding plot ID for a certain window and plot name.
0092 % xxsimGetPlotsFromWindow      - Get all currently available plots that are present in the specified window by both name and ID.
0093 % xxsimGetPlotWindows          - Returns all currently available plot windows that are present in the simulator by both name and ID.
0094 % xxsimGetPlotWindowIDFromName - Find the corresponding window ID for a certain window name.
0095 % xxsimGetPlotWindows          - Get all currently available plot windows that are present in the simulator by both name and ID.
0096 % xxsimHideCurve               - Hide or show a curve in a plot.
0097 % xxsimHidePlot                - Hide or show a plot in a plot window.
0098 % xxsimHidePlotWindow          - Hide or show a plot window.
0099 % xxsimRemoveCurveFromPlot     - Remove an existing curve from an existing plot.
0100 % xxsimRemovePlotFromWindow    - Remove an existing plot from an existing plot window.
0101 % xxsimRemovePlotWindow        - Remove an existing plot window.
0102 % xxsimSavePlotAsBitmap        - Save a plot or plot window as bitmap. Supported formats: png, bmp, jpg, gif.
0103 %
0104 % General actions
0105 %
0106 % xxsimGetMemoryUsage          - Get the memory usage of 20-sim.
0107 % xxsimGetWindowSize           - Returns the current size of the last opened window.
0108 % xxsimSetWindowSize           - Set the size of the last opened window.
0109 % xxsimSetTimeout              - Change the connection and command time-out value.
0110 %
0111 % Author: Controllab Products B.V.
0112 % email: info@controllab.nl
0113 % Website: http://www.controllab.nl
0114 % October 2021
0115 help xxsimList

Generated on Thu 06-Jan-2022 15:23:22