

xxsimGetPlotIDFromName - Find the corresponding plot ID for a certain window and plot name.


function retval = xxsimGetCurveIDFromName(window,plot,curveName)


 xxsimGetPlotIDFromName - Find the corresponding plot ID for a certain window and plot name.

   retval = xxsimGetPlotIDFromName(windowName)

   window    = Either the window name or the window ID
   plot      = Either the plot name or the plot ID
   curveName = Either the curve name or the curve ID
   retval = returns the ID of the curve or -1 if the curve could not be found. If a number was inserted for plotName,
            this number is given as return value.
   retval = xxsimGetPlotIDFromName('Motor Torque')
     - retval now contains the ID of the corresponding plot or 0 if the plot window does not exist.
     - if the input would be numeric, retval will get that numeric value.
     - Note: The simulator should be open before calling this function.  

 See also: xxsimGetPlotWindowIDFromName, xxsimGetPlotsFromWindow

 Author: Controllab Products B.V.
 email: info@controllab.nl
 Website: http://www.controllab.nl
 November 2015


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function retval = xxsimGetCurveIDFromName(window,plot,curveName)
0002 % xxsimGetPlotIDFromName - Find the corresponding plot ID for a certain window and plot name.
0003 %
0004 % Syntax:
0005 %   retval = xxsimGetPlotIDFromName(windowName)
0006 %
0007 % Inputs:
0008 %   window    = Either the window name or the window ID
0009 %   plot      = Either the plot name or the plot ID
0010 %   curveName = Either the curve name or the curve ID
0011 %
0012 % Outputs:
0013 %   retval = returns the ID of the curve or -1 if the curve could not be found. If a number was inserted for plotName,
0014 %            this number is given as return value.
0015 %
0016 % Example:
0017 %   retval = xxsimGetPlotIDFromName('Motor Torque')
0018 %
0019 %     - retval now contains the ID of the corresponding plot or 0 if the plot window does not exist.
0020 %     - if the input would be numeric, retval will get that numeric value.
0021 %     - Note: The simulator should be open before calling this function.
0022 %
0023 % See also: xxsimGetPlotWindowIDFromName, xxsimGetPlotsFromWindow
0024 %
0025 % Author: Controllab Products B.V.
0026 % email: info@controllab.nl
0027 % Website: http://www.controllab.nl
0028 % November 2015
0030 %------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
0032   % Check the obtained amount of input arguments.
0033   if(nargin>3)
0034     error('Too many input arguments were specified.');
0035   elseif(nargin<3)
0036     error('Too little input arguments were specified.');
0037   end;
0039   % Get the window ID
0040   windowID = xxsimGetPlotWindowIDFromName(window);
0041   plotID = xxsimGetPlotIDFromName(window,plot);
0043   % Validate the window ID
0044   if(windowID == -1)
0045     error('Could not find plot window that was specified.');
0046   end;
0048   % Validate the plot ID
0049   if(plotID == -1)
0050     error('Could not find plot that was specified.');
0051   end;
0053   curveID = -1;
0054   % If a path is given for the curve, find the corresponding curve ID.
0055   if(ischar(curveName))
0056     curveStruct = xxsimGetCurvesFromPlot(windowID,plotID);
0057     nameCount = 0;
0058     for i=1:size(curveStruct,2)
0059       if(strcmp(curveStruct(i).yPath,curveName))
0060         nameCount = nameCount + 1;
0061         if(nameCount == 1)
0062           curveID = curveStruct(i).curveID;
0063         elseif(nameCount == 2)
0064           warning('Multiple curves found with the specified name. The first curve was taken.');
0065           break;
0066         end;
0067       end;
0068     end;
0069   elseif(isnumeric(curveName))
0070     curveID = curveName;
0071   % If the input is not numeric nor a string, give an error.
0072   else
0073     error('The specified curve name is not a string nor a number.');
0074   end;
0076   retval = curveID;
0078 end
0079 %------------- END OF CODE --------------

Generated on Sun 10-Dec-2017 19:24:51