

xxsimConnect - Connects with 20-sim.


function [retval] = xxsimConnect(varargin)


 xxsimConnect - Connects with 20-sim.
 20-sim editor should be open with XMLRPC interface enabled before connecting.

   retval = xxsimConnect()
   retval = xxsimConnect(URI)
   retval = xxsimConnect(URI, timeout)

   URI  =  connection specified as URI (scheme://server:port?options) .
   timeout = Connection and command time-out (optional, default = 300 {s}).
   Supported protocols:
      - http   : the official xmlrpc protocol according to the specification (Matlab and Octave).
      - tcp    : binary serialized version transported via tcp (faster than http; Octave only).
      - serial : binary serialized version transported via serial port (Octave only).
         - Default localhost only.
         - Default HTTP port 5580 (range 5580-5589).
         - Default TCP port 5520 (range 5520-5529).
         - Default serial port disabled.
           Note: Matlab only supports the HTTP protocol.
           Note: TCP is faster than the HTTP protocol.
      20-sim 4C
         - Default localhost only.
         - Default HTTP port 5480 (range 5480-5489).
         - Default TCP port 5420 (range 5420-5429).
         - Default serial port disabled.
         - Default any host.
         - Default HTTP port 1580 (1580-1589).
         - Default TCP port 1502 (1502-1511).
         - Default serial port disabled.

   returns true if connection is made.

      - connect via the HTTP(native xml-rpc) to the local computer on port 5580.

      - connect via the TCP(binary) protocol to remote server 'mytarget' on port 1502.
      - connect via the serial port(binary) protocol via COM1 with baud rate of 115200.
   xxsimConnect('tcp://localhost:5520', 500)
      - connect via the TCP(binary) protocol to the local computer on port 5520
        with a connection and command time-out of 500 seconds.

 See also: xxsimDisconnect

 Author: Controllab Products B.V.
 email: info@controllab.nl
 Website: http://www.controllab.nl
 December 2017


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [retval] = xxsimConnect(varargin)
0002 % xxsimConnect - Connects with 20-sim.
0003 % 20-sim editor should be open with XMLRPC interface enabled before connecting.
0004 %
0005 % Syntax:
0006 %   retval = xxsimConnect()
0007 %   retval = xxsimConnect(URI)
0008 %   retval = xxsimConnect(URI, timeout)
0009 %
0010 % Inputs:
0011 %   URI  =  connection specified as URI (scheme://server:port?options) .
0012 %   timeout = Connection and command time-out (optional, default = 300 {s}).
0013 %
0014 %   Supported protocols:
0015 %      - http   : the official xmlrpc protocol according to the specification (Matlab and Octave).
0016 %      - tcp    : binary serialized version transported via tcp (faster than http; Octave only).
0017 %      - serial : binary serialized version transported via serial port (Octave only).
0018 %
0019 %   Servers
0020 %      20-sim
0021 %         - Default localhost only.
0022 %         - Default HTTP port 5580 (range 5580-5589).
0023 %         - Default TCP port 5520 (range 5520-5529).
0024 %         - Default serial port disabled.
0025 %           Note: Matlab only supports the HTTP protocol.
0026 %           Note: TCP is faster than the HTTP protocol.
0027 %      20-sim 4C
0028 %         - Default localhost only.
0029 %         - Default HTTP port 5480 (range 5480-5489).
0030 %         - Default TCP port 5420 (range 5420-5429).
0031 %         - Default serial port disabled.
0032 %      Targets
0033 %         - Default any host.
0034 %         - Default HTTP port 1580 (1580-1589).
0035 %         - Default TCP port 1502 (1502-1511).
0036 %         - Default serial port disabled.
0037 %
0038 % Outputs:
0039 %   returns true if connection is made.
0040 %
0041 % Examples:
0042 %   xxsimConnect('http://localhost:5580')
0043 %      - connect via the HTTP(native xml-rpc) to the local computer on port 5580.
0044 %
0045 %   xxsimConnect('tcp://mytarget:1502')
0046 %      - connect via the TCP(binary) protocol to remote server 'mytarget' on port 1502.
0047 %
0048 %   xxsimConnect('serial://com1?baud=115200')
0049 %      - connect via the serial port(binary) protocol via COM1 with baud rate of 115200.
0050 %
0051 %   xxsimConnect('tcp://localhost:5520', 500)
0052 %      - connect via the TCP(binary) protocol to the local computer on port 5520
0053 %        with a connection and command time-out of 500 seconds.
0054 %
0055 % See also: xxsimDisconnect
0056 %
0057 % Author: Controllab Products B.V.
0058 % email: info@controllab.nl
0059 % Website: http://www.controllab.nl
0060 % December 2017
0062 %------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
0063     % get the scripting directory
0064     [rootDir, name, ext] = fileparts (mfilename('fullpath'));
0065     [rootDir, name, ext] = fileparts (rootDir);
0066     [rootDir, name, ext] = fileparts (rootDir);
0068     if ( exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') ~= 0 )
0069         %Add the octave folder to the path
0070         addpath( [rootDir, filesep(),'library',filesep(), 'octave'] );
0071     else
0072         %Add the matlab folder to the path
0073         addpath( [rootDir, filesep(),'library',filesep(), 'matlab'] );
0074     end
0076     %make the xrl function globally available
0077     xrlloadfunctions();
0079     if(length(varargin)>2)
0080         error('Too many input arguments were specified: xxsimConnect expects up to 2 (optional) input arguments.');
0081     end;
0083     if (length(varargin)>=2)
0084         xrlsettimeout(varargin{2});
0085     else
0086         xrlsettimeout(300); % set timeout to 5 minutes
0087     end
0089     %load the 20sim specification
0090     if ( exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') ~= 0 )
0091         specificationFile = xrlgetspecificationfile();
0093         if xrlloadspecification(specificationFile)==0
0094             error(['Could not load specification' specificationFile]);
0095         end
0096     end
0098     % Do housekeeping of the connections available
0099     global xxsim;
0100     if length(xxsim) == 0
0101         global xxsim;
0102         version = struct('major', 1, 'minor', 0, 'revision', 0, 'patch', 0); %Add the version of the scripting library
0103         xxsim = struct('verbose', logical(0), 'version', version, 'activeconnection', int32(0), 'connections', {{}});
0104     end
0106     %Make the connection
0107     if length(varargin)>=1
0108         try
0109             xrlconnect(varargin{1});
0110         catch
0111             error('Error making connection with 20-sim! Please make sure 20-sim is running and XMLRPC scripting interface enabled');
0112         end
0113     else
0114         try
0115             if ( exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') ~= 0 )
0116                 % Connect using the Controllab optimized binary XML-RPC protocol
0117                 xrlconnect('tcp://localhost:5520');
0118             else
0119                 % Connect using the official XML-RPC protocol
0120                 xrlconnect('http://localhost:5580');
0121             end
0122         catch
0123             error('Error making connection with 20-sim! Please make sure 20-sim is running and XMLRPC scripting interface enabled');
0124         end
0125     end
0127     % Get and check the version with interface 1.0.3
0128     try 
0129         versionInfo = xrlinvoke('xxsim.getVersion'); 
0130     catch 
0131         error('Error making connection with 20-sim! Please make sure 20-sim is running and XMLRPC scripting interface enabled!'); 
0132     end
0134     versionCell = strsplit( versionInfo.interfaceVersion, '.' );
0135     if str2num(versionCell{1}) ~= 1 || str2num(versionCell{2}) ~= 0 || str2num(versionCell{3}) < 3
0136         retval = false;
0137         error('20sim interface version mismatch!')
0138     end
0140     % now register the active connection
0141     % for now we can have only one connection at the time, so make this explicit for now
0142     % but only if we have not a model loaded yet
0143     global xxsim;
0144     if length(xxsim.connections) == 0
0145         xxsim.activeconnection = length(xxsim.connections)+int32(1);
0146         xxsim.connections{xxsim.activeconnection} = struct('activemodel', int32(0), 'models',[]);
0147     end
0149     retval = true;
0150 end
0151 %------------- END OF CODE --------------

Generated on Fri 19-Jan-2018 15:01:54