

xxsimCloseModel - closes active 20-sim model without saving changes.


function [retval] = xxsimCloseModel(varargin)


 xxsimCloseModel - closes active 20-sim model without saving changes.

   retval = xxsimCloseModel(boolean)

   boolean  = (optional)indicates if 20-sim editor should be closed with the active model.
              true  - closes active 20-sim editor.
              false - closes the active model leaving the editor open(Default).
      Note: * Use xxsimSetActiveModel to set the model 'active' in case there is an
              other working model open. 
            * One 20-sim editor should be open at all times, so xxsimCloseModel does NOT
              close the last remaining editor.

   retval  =  returns true if model is closed properly.

    retval = xxsimCloseModel();
        Closes the active 20-sim model without saving changes to the model.
    retval = xxsimCloseModel(true);
        Closes the active 20-sim model and the editor without saving change to the model.

 See also: xxsimOpenModel, xxsimSetActiveModel, xxsimGetActiveModel

 Author: Controllab Products B.V.
 email: info@controllab.nl
 Website: http://www.controllab.nl
 November 2015


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [retval] = xxsimCloseModel(varargin)
0002 % xxsimCloseModel - closes active 20-sim model without saving changes.
0003 %
0004 % Syntax:
0005 %   retval = xxsimCloseModel(boolean)
0006 %
0007 % Inputs:
0008 %   boolean  = (optional)indicates if 20-sim editor should be closed with the active model.
0009 %              true  - closes active 20-sim editor.
0010 %              false - closes the active model leaving the editor open(Default).
0011 %      Note: * Use xxsimSetActiveModel to set the model 'active' in case there is an
0012 %              other working model open.
0013 %            * One 20-sim editor should be open at all times, so xxsimCloseModel does NOT
0014 %              close the last remaining editor.
0015 %
0016 % Outputs:
0017 %   retval  =  returns true if model is closed properly.
0018 %
0019 % Examples:
0020 %    retval = xxsimCloseModel();
0021 %        Closes the active 20-sim model without saving changes to the model.
0022 %    retval = xxsimCloseModel(true);
0023 %        Closes the active 20-sim model and the editor without saving change to the model.
0024 %
0025 % See also: xxsimOpenModel, xxsimSetActiveModel, xxsimGetActiveModel
0026 %
0027 % Author: Controllab Products B.V.
0028 % email: info@controllab.nl
0029 % Website: http://www.controllab.nl
0030 % November 2015
0032 %------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
0033     %check input arguments
0035     if length(varargin)>1
0036         error('Too many input arguments.');
0037     end
0038     if length(varargin)==0
0039         closeWindow = true;
0040     else
0041         if ~islogical(varargin{1})
0042             error('Input argument 1 should be a boolean.');
0043         end
0045         closeWindow = varargin{1};
0046     end
0049     retval = false;
0051     retval = xrlinvoke('xxsim.closeModel', struct('closewindow', closeWindow));
0052     if ( retval == false )
0053         error('could not close the model')
0054     end
0056 end
0057 %------------- END OF CODE --------------

Generated on Sun 10-Dec-2017 19:24:51