

xxsimAddPort - Add a new port to the interface of an existing submodel.


function retval = xxsimAddPort(submodelName, portName, isOutput, varargin)


 xxsimAddPort - Add a new port to the interface of an existing submodel.

   retval = xxsimAddPort(submodelName, portName, isOutput, portType, dataType,
            rows, columns, description, quantity, unit, domain, across,through,
            causality, hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals,

   submodelName = Name of the submodel to obtain the port definitions from.
   portName     = Name of the new port to add
   isOutput     = true: output port, false: input port
   portType     = (Optional) The type of this port. 1=signal, 2=iconic, 3=bond
                  graph (default: 1 signal).
   dataType     = (Optional) The data type for this port. 1=real, 2=integer,
                  3=boolean, 4=string (default: 1 real)
   rows         = (Optional) The row size for this port (default: 1)
   columns      = (Optional) The column size for this port (default: 1)
   description  = (Optional) The description text for this port (default:
   quantity     = (Optional) The quantity of the port (signal-only; default:
   unit         = (Optional) The unit of the port (signal-only; default: empty)
   domain       = (Optional) Domain of the port (iconic /bond graph-only;
                  default: empty)
   across       = (Optional) The across variable for this port (iconic /bond
                  graph-only; default: empty)
   through      = (Optional) The through variable for this port (iconic /bond
                  graph-only; default: empty)
   causality    = (Optional)
   hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals = (Optional) Set to true to separate the high
                  and low terminals. Typically used for e.g. for electric
                  circuit ports (default: false)
   acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals    = (Optional) Set to true to allow to connect
                  more than 1 signal (default: false)

   retval = true on success, false on failure

   retval = xxsimAddPort('PID', 'enable', false, 1, 3)

     - adds an 'enable' input signal with data type boolean to the submodel

 Author: Controllab Products B.V.
 Email: info@controllab.nl
 Website: https://www.20sim.com
 January 2021


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function retval = xxsimAddPort(submodelName, portName, isOutput, varargin)
0002 % xxsimAddPort - Add a new port to the interface of an existing submodel.
0003 %
0004 % Syntax:
0005 %   retval = xxsimAddPort(submodelName, portName, isOutput, portType, dataType,
0006 %            rows, columns, description, quantity, unit, domain, across,through,
0007 %            causality, hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals,
0008 %            acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals)
0009 %
0010 % Inputs:
0011 %   submodelName = Name of the submodel to obtain the port definitions from.
0012 %   portName     = Name of the new port to add
0013 %   isOutput     = true: output port, false: input port
0014 %   portType     = (Optional) The type of this port. 1=signal, 2=iconic, 3=bond
0015 %                  graph (default: 1 signal).
0016 %   dataType     = (Optional) The data type for this port. 1=real, 2=integer,
0017 %                  3=boolean, 4=string (default: 1 real)
0018 %   rows         = (Optional) The row size for this port (default: 1)
0019 %   columns      = (Optional) The column size for this port (default: 1)
0020 %   description  = (Optional) The description text for this port (default:
0021 %                  empty)
0022 %   quantity     = (Optional) The quantity of the port (signal-only; default:
0023 %                  empty)
0024 %   unit         = (Optional) The unit of the port (signal-only; default: empty)
0025 %   domain       = (Optional) Domain of the port (iconic /bond graph-only;
0026 %                  default: empty)
0027 %   across       = (Optional) The across variable for this port (iconic /bond
0028 %                  graph-only; default: empty)
0029 %   through      = (Optional) The through variable for this port (iconic /bond
0030 %                  graph-only; default: empty)
0031 %   causality    = (Optional)
0032 %   hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals = (Optional) Set to true to separate the high
0033 %                  and low terminals. Typically used for e.g. for electric
0034 %                  circuit ports (default: false)
0035 %   acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals    = (Optional) Set to true to allow to connect
0036 %                  more than 1 signal (default: false)
0037 %
0038 % Outputs:
0039 %   retval = true on success, false on failure
0040 %
0041 % Examples:
0042 %   retval = xxsimAddPort('PID', 'enable', false, 1, 3)
0043 %
0044 %     - adds an 'enable' input signal with data type boolean to the submodel
0045 %       "PID".
0046 %
0047 % Author: Controllab Products B.V.
0048 % Email: info@controllab.nl
0049 % Website: https://www.20sim.com
0050 % January 2021
0052 %------------- BEGIN CODE --------------
0054     % Check if the submodelName is a string.
0055     if(~ischar(submodelName))
0056         error('Please specify a valid submodel name.');
0057     end;
0059     % Check if the portName is a string.
0060     if(~ischar(portName))
0061         error('Please specify a valid port name.');
0062     end;
0064     % Check that we have at least 3 arguments
0065     if(nargin < 3)
0066         error('Not enough input arguments were specified.');
0067     end;
0069     % set the default values for the optional arguments
0070     portType = 1;
0071     dataType = 1;
0072     rows = 1;
0073     columns = 1;
0074     quantity='';
0075     unit='';
0076     domain = '';
0077     across = '';
0078     through = '';
0079     causality = '';
0080     hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals = false;
0081     acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals = false;
0082     description = '';
0084     % Optional argument 4: portType
0085     if(nargin > 3)
0086         portType = varargin{1};
0087         if(~isnumeric(portType))
0088             error('Argument 4 (portType) should be numeric');
0089         end;
0090     end;
0091     % Optional argument 5: dataType
0092     if(nargin > 4)
0093         dataType = varargin{2};
0094         if(~isnumeric(portType))
0095             error('Argument 5 (dataType) should be numeric');
0096         end;
0097     end;
0098     % Optional argument 6: rows
0099     if(nargin > 5)
0100         rows = varargin{3};
0101         if(~isnumeric(rows))
0102             error('Argument 6 (rows) should be numeric');
0103         end;
0104     end;
0105     % Optional argument 7: columns
0106     if(nargin > 6)
0107         columns = varargin{4};
0108         if(~isnumeric(columns))
0109             error('Argument 7 (columns) should be numeric');
0110         end;
0111     end;
0112     % Optional argument 8: description
0113     if(nargin > 7)
0114         description = varargin{5};
0115         if(~ischar(description))
0116           error('Argument 8 (description) should be a string');
0117         end;
0118     end;
0119     % Optional argument 9: quantity
0120     if(nargin > 8)
0121         quantity = varargin{6};
0122         if(~ischar(quantity))
0123             error('Argument 9 (quantity) should be a string');
0124         end;
0125     end;
0126     % Optional argument 10: unit
0127     if(nargin > 9)
0128         unit = varargin{7};
0129         if(~ischar(unit))
0130             error('Argument 10 (unit) should be a string');
0131         end;
0132     end;
0133     % Optional argument 11: domain
0134     if(nargin > 10)
0135         domain = varargin{8};
0136         if(~ischar(domain))
0137             error('Argument 11 (domain) should be a string');
0138         end;
0139     end;
0140     % Optional argument 12: across
0141     if(nargin > 11)
0142         across = varargin{9};
0143         if(~ischar(across))
0144             error('Argument 12 (across) should be a string');
0145         end;
0146     end;
0147     % Optional argument 13: through
0148     if(nargin > 12)
0149         through = varargin{10};
0150         if(~ischar(through))
0151             error('Argument 13 (through) should be a string');
0152         end;
0153     end;
0154     % Optional argument 14: causality
0155     if(nargin > 13)
0156         causality = varargin{11};
0157         if(~ischar(causality))
0158             error('Argument 14 (causality) should be a string');
0159         end;
0160     end;
0161     % Optional argument 15: hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals
0162     if(nargin > 14)
0163         hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals = varargin{12};
0164         if(~islogical(hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals))
0165             error('Argument 15 (hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals) should be a boolean');
0166         end;
0167     end;
0168     % Optional argument 16: acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals
0169     if(nargin > 15)
0170         acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals = varargin{13};
0171         if(~islogical(acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals))
0172             error('Argument 16 (acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals) should be a boolean');
0173         end;
0174     end;
0176     % invoke 20-sim with the xmlrpc call
0177     size = struct('rows', int32(rows), 'columns', int32(columns));
0178     portDefinition = struct('name', portName,
0179         'portType', int32(portType),
0180         'size', size,
0181         'orientationOut', isOutput,
0182         'quantity', quantity,
0183         'unit', unit,
0184         'dataType', int32(dataType),
0185         'domain', domain,
0186         'across', across,
0187         'through', through,
0188         'causality', causality,
0189         'hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals', hasSeparateHighAndLowTerminals,
0190         'acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals', acceptsAnyNumberOfTerminals,
0191         'description', description);
0192     inputs = struct('submodelName', submodelName, 'portDefinition', portDefinition);
0194     retval = xrlinvoke('xxsim.model.addPort', inputs);
0195 end

Generated on Tue 19-Oct-2021 21:32:08